About Us
New Beginnings is a supported accommodation service for young people, we work from the premise of…
‘Nothing about me…without me’
Our service is a safe, happy and loving place to live. New Beginnings will offer support to those who have experienced a setback in their life whether this has been down to a break up in the family home or whether they have experienced trauma through abuse or neglect. New Beginnings work with young people who have complex needs.
Our mission is to achieve positive outcomes for those living at New Beginnings, we will support individuals to live a happy and fulfilled life offering advice to help them achieve their maximum potential.
New Beginnings will provide support to young people with a wide range of needs in a diverse range of settings, we set out high ambitions in everything we do.
our objectives
promote and encourage learning
independence and social skills
promote self-esteem
build resilience
our support
We work with Local Authorities to ensure the young person’s care plan/pathway plan is progressed.
New Beginnings will support young people to achieve positive outcomes with a hope to divert them from any possible criminal activity, antisocial behaviour and risk-taking behaviour, the provision provided will be individualised to the young person to provide wrap around support.
New Beginnings is a service that will provide a better future to young people, we will create a sense of belonging and provide a high quality of support; we will work with the Local Authority to rehabilitate the young people back in to their family or to transition in to adulthood successfully.
young people
support workers
Our support workers understand how decisions and actions impact on young people they are working with, we make sure that young people are involved in all decisions made about them and work from a premise of ‘nothing about me…without me’.
We respect young people’s wishes, feelings and values. We work with our young people to overcome traumatic life experiences that have impacted upon them.
New Beginnings will work in partnership with other agencies to ensure the young people get the right support, at the right time.
New Beginnings is a supported accommodation service for young people, we work from the premise of…
‘Nothing about me…without me’
“nothing about me…without me”
New Beginnings aspire to be the best.
We develop trusting and positive relationships with all our young people who we work with.
We engage our young people and support them to develop and feel empowered, regulate their emotions and manage them through positive activity. In our service the young person comes first.